The Beau & the Belle

The Beau & the Belle

2018 • 346 pages


Average rating3.3


So three pros and 3 cons
1) I really liked the chick. She wasn't that super uper duper lady, I mean if course she was drop dead gorgeous but she wasn't a sex god which I like
2) I liked the romance once she grew up - very steamy and sexy
3) I liked the setting. It was a nice little backdrop

1) I was super off-put by the taboo nature of it. Personally I don't vibe with older men creeping on young girls like thats not cute and I don't enjoy reading about it. If it wasn't for the fact I had it as an audiobook, I would have DNF'ed it
2) I didn't like that nobody had a problem with the tabooness not even the mother. HELLO PEODPHILLIA AINT NOTHING TO PLAY WITH
3) The relationship wasn't that deep to me. It was a physical relationship which is fine but then they were talking about love and I was like hold your horses honey

December 21, 2018Report this review