The Best Men
2022 • 330 pages


Average rating3.5


damn i really thought i was gonna love this but it was just so very meh. it started really strong too! i was feeling very 4-stars about it all in the beginning, and there were some great pieces, but. it was so flat, and just continued to get flatter as it went on somehow. it didn't even do anything super bad or anything i feel really critical over, it was just one-note. i originally rated this 3 stars when i completed it but a few weeks later i realize i only remember a couple random things that happened here. also i think some other people said it, but the characters were weirdly indistinguishable from each other, which was so strange considering it was dual pov.

you know that feeling when you catch yourself checking your watch during a movie and doing mental math to be like, how much is actually left of this movie? this book made me do that like. 3 or 4 times.

also, i USUALLY have zero issues suspending disbelief as i read a silly fun romance. but this one kept stretching me way too far, i kept pausing and being like ... wait, what? huh? like uhh can't even remember his name now but one of the guys is an investment banker but like. i work in fintech and even i know more about his job than even he seemed to LOL

i leave you with a gem from my notes:

you know, i'd love to sit here and say that for ANYONE on earth, booking a transatlantic flight impulsively just to jet over to paris from nyc for 2 days is like. super unrealistic? but then i've booked a flight on a sunday evening for the following tuesday morning from chicago to amsterdam, so. who am i to speak on such things

January 21, 2022Report this review