The Big Love

The Big Love


Average rating2


I hoped this book would get better, but halfway through I decided it wasn't. I even read the last couple pages to see how it ended.

At first, It sounds promising. The character is my age and looking for the Big Love, which I can totally relate to! But that's where it ends. Alison overthinks and explains everything. From what I read, it's very ADD, always going off in one direction, then ending up somewhere else. I felt like I was frantically reading, just to catch up! It's like being in someone elses's head and it's not a good thing. Sentences are repeated and it's like ok, I get it already. And all the pyscho babble bullshit. Ugh! Hard to read.

The cover compares it to Sex and The City, not even close. Pass this one up and watch the movie or TV show instead.

April 30, 2010Report this review