The Birthday Girl by Sarah Ward is a thrilling novel set on the mysterious island of Eldey. The story revolves around three women: Mona, a carefree artist seeking inspiration at The Cloister; Beth, a stressed-out mother looking for a quiet getaway with her family; and Charlotte, who hopes for a romantic trip with her husband but ends up dealing with his troubled teenage stepdaughter. Unbeknownst to them, one of these women is a serial killer who poisoned three friends at her eleventh birthday party.
When a guest at the hotel is found dead, Mallory Dawson, the night manager and a former police detective, realizes that the killer is among them. As Mallory investigates, three guests emerge as potential suspects, but which one is willing to risk everything to kill again?
So, let's talk about The Birthday Girl by Sarah Ward! First off, can we just appreciate that amazing cover? It's seriously eye-catching! Now, onto the review. I gotta say, I'm a sucker for these kinds of books, and this one definitely didn't disappoint. It was such an entertaining read that had me hooked right from the start. The writing was top-notch, and the pacing was on point. The plot had so many twists, turns, and red herrings that kept me guessing the whole time. Mallory Dawson, the main character, was solid, and all the other characters were pretty strong, too. And let me tell you, the ending was completely satisfying. What more could a reader ask for, right? I'm already excited to see what Mallory gets up to in the next book! Can't wait!
ARC Via NetGalley