The Bone Shard Emperor
2020 • 560 pages


Average rating3.8


First, thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the advanced reader's copy in exchange for an honest review.

I won't get too far into the plot so as not to spoil the first books.

I am going to formally request that all fantasy readers stop reading this right now and go buy this series. It's so good. In this second installment, we get a lot of character development as all of the characters try to live in and change the ever changing world around them. The plot was incredibly fast paced and political, but never got confusing. All of the romance subplots didn't distract from the story and were so sweet. We get a lot more exploration of the magic system, which is much more complex and varied than the first book indicated. The bone shard magic is just as fascinating as it was in the first book, and we also learn a lot more about Jovis's type of magic. The cliffhanger ending has me dyyiiiinnngggg for the next installment.

I recommend this to all fantasy readers.

TW: amputation, animal abuse, assault, blood, bones, child death, death, emotional abuse, gore, murder, racism, snakes, violence, war

November 2, 2021Report this review