The Box

The Box

2006 • 400 pages


Average rating3.8


International trade and logistics is something that's always fascinated me. Partly because my father was involved with sailing during the break-bulk era, mostly on the great lakes. Partly it's because I grew up in an era after manufacturing had mostly moved overseas. So, I've always been interested in shipping containers, and the impact they had on the world. This book helps give me context to that transition.

The book is a fascinating glimpse at how all this started in the 1960's, and the growing pains needed to bring the rest of the world onboard with the idea. Like most technological and ideological revolutions, it was fought by certain entrenched powers (existing shipping companies, railroads, truckers, unions) but when this experiment in optimization resulted in massive cost and time savings, there was no stopping it. As a result, our entire world changed, and Levinson walks us through just what made that possible. The book does a great job exploring the history of this transformation, even while getting occasionally bogged down with brief cost comparisons or standards analysis. I had no idea who Malcolm McLean was or how he ushered in this new era, but now, more than ever, I believe Containerization may have been one of the biggest advancements of the 20th century.

January 9, 2019Report this review