The Buried Giant

The Buried Giant

2015 • 317 pages


Average rating3.5


This was the first time I've read Ishiguro, and I was impressed with the way a surface simplicity belied a profoundly deep and moving story and meditation on memory and the embodied place of memory in our personal and collective lives. Ishiguro creates an evocative and believable landscape and i could fairly see the mist on the page - an Avalon for today: not romanticised, yet not a hard-nosed de-mystified historical place, either. Something in-between with enough magic to bring the reader in and allow the reader to play a role in the narrative and plot development. He has a beautiful way with language and how language is the key to human relationships. Powerful reading, and one i look forward to returning to in future.

June 3, 2016Report this review