Average rating3.7
I happened upon this book at a used bookstore in the bio/memoir section. I had read Keysen's other book (wasn't too nuts about it...oops! Pardon the pun....),and almost put it back. The back of the book got me interested enough to spend the $ on it.
I picked it up last summer and began to read it, while my mother-in-law was crocheting. I soon found myself reading it aloud to her in one evening ‘cause it was hilarious, a little sad, but above all, impactful.
I know some people on here complain about the subject matter. It's true, that unless you have never experienced anything similar gynecologically like what the author went through, you would find Keysen whiny and self-absorbed. I'm not going into it, except to say that I identified with the author's health issues, and how they had an impact on her physically, psychologically and personally. This was a good piece of writing but not for everyone.