The Casquette Girls

The Casquette Girls

2013 • 440 pages


Average rating4.5


I received a copy of this book from NetGalley. Adele and her father have just returned to New Orleans. A hurricane they called The Storm of the Century has destroyed much of the area. Her home is still standing, but one wall of her father's studio has been destroyed. Adele offers to move into the attic so her father can take over her old room for his studio. While cleaning the attic, she comes across a diary from a relative written in the 1700's. Strange things start happening to Adele and her newfound friends. Could they be witches? Do vampires exist? Read it and find out!! This book was very good. I enjoyed reading the history of The Casquette Girls the most I think, but the whole book was great. I can't wait for more!

September 19, 2015Report this review