I have not enjoyed this book one bit. After 90 pages I thought to myself that it would kick on.
Nope! It got more and more monotonous.
I got to the 250th page and had had enough. Page after page of waffle that is so repetitive as to be the literary equivalent of Chinese Water torture.
But I soldiered on to the end. Why? I asked myself. I have many books sitting round my house and I kept reading on for some unknown reason. The same meaningless boring chat back and forth by the same boring people from beginning to end and I kept reading. Not one of the characters was of interest. The narrator boringly explains page after page not very much at all. Yeah she is head over heels in something or other with a failed actor who is is is.... I don't know what, a dull boring mind screw? I don't mind the challenging but this was not challenging. It was dull. The same repetitive stuff page after page.