The Celestine Prophecy: An Adventure

The Celestine Prophecy: An Adventure

1993 • 358 pages


Average rating3


I never actually finished reading this book so I wasn't going to review it. I changed my mind, however the review is very short.

I apologise if I offend anyone who has read this and enjoyed it.

Why was this a bestseller?

James Redfield obviously just wanted to write a book about his New Age religion but decided that he would put it into a fictional setting. Maybe he thought people would be more likely to read it that way. Sneaky.

What was good about it: I'd never read anything about this religion/spirituality before so that was interesting.

What was bad about it: Obviously the author hadn't actually bothered much with the story part of the book, he just wanted to focus on the dialogue parts which explained his religion.

February 6, 2014Report this review