The Change Up
2020 • 382 pages


Average rating3.6


I really wanted to love this book but there was a moment when everything went downhill to me. I was loving the story and up until that point it could have been a solid 4 star read and then it blew up right in my face. The writing is great and I usually enjoy Meghan's books, this one just wasn't for me.
Maybe I'll write a more coherent review. Maybe I won't. Who knows.

I think Maddox's character depth spiraled out of control. I was loving Maddox until he went unhinged, it was just too much for me. I get that he had issues in his past but there was this scene with Kinsley that I really think was unforgivable. And his behavior after that was awful.I also think this line of story was reinforcing that growing up with an abusive parent means you'll be abusive too and that really bothers me. Additionally, I think it would be important to see Maddox getting professional help. TW: Drinking problem, anger issues, abusive behavior.

June 15, 2020Report this review