Cover 4

The Cherished


Average rating3


At the beginning there is definitely language and attitudes that should be used carefully. I think the author is trying to make a point about the characters and make them unlikeable. Later in the book we see those same characters through a bit of a different lens. So they are harder to not like. I like that they are complicated characters. However I was confused about how we should feel about the faeries then. If the people are judgmental and complicated based on their racist bias, then how do the faeries foot in? Are they a non human entity that puts people in danger or are they a stand in for groups that are seen as less than human? If it is the first the message of the book is fine if clumsily done. If it is the second, thorn the book is offensive. So the story is good, but the language and attitudes distract from that story.

September 8, 2023Report this review