The Child Finder
2017 • 274 pages


Average rating4.1


Trigger warning: Child Abuse.

I picked this book up expecting a garden variety thriller about a missing child and ended up with so much more. The subject matter is pretty standard but the book itself is magical. The author's use of language is beautiful as she weaves her thriller into something akin to a fairy tale; albeit a dark fairy tale. The story is told from two perspectives: Naomi, the child finder and Snow Girl. Naomi is actually involved in two cases at the same time, which is no how she normally conducts her business. The reader discovers that a number of things in Naomi's life are in upheaval and her story is told in parallel to Snow Girl's story. I loved the main characters, finding myself fully vested in their outcomes from the first chapter. In the end I was blown away by this unique reading experience and I will definitely check out any additional offerings from this author.

February 18, 2001Report this review