The Christmas Singing


Average rating5


Last year, one of my favorite Christmas reads was [b:The Sound of Sleigh Bells 6275220 The Sound of Sleigh Bells Cindy Woodsmall 6458575] and I was delighted this year to return to “the Heart of Amish Country” to revisit a few characters and find many more to love in [b:The Christmas Singing 10301098 The Christmas Singing Cindy Woodsmall 15203072]. Cindy Woodsmall really is my favorite Amish author and she provided a great way to spend a few days when I had a moment here and there learning and loving some characters as they all grew and they learned to love and understand each other. Easily, I'm fairly certain this was my favorite Christmas read. Definitely one for recommendation. Thanks to Cindy for providing a copy for review. My apologies that I did not recommend it to all of you before the holiday season!

January 1, 2012Report this review