The City of Veils
2019 • 373 pages


Average rating5


The City of Veils is the first in S. Usher Evans' Princess Vigilante series. It's a hoppin' good story, about Brynna, a princess who fled an arranged marriage and became a masked vigilante protecting her city. She's quite happy with things as they are, and she is highly displeased when she's tracked down and compelled to return home. Her brothers' untimely (and suspicious) deaths have made Brynna heir to the throne, and she's got a lot to learn. She does come home, reluctantly, and even more reluctantly agrees to learn what she needs to know to rule, but doesn't hang up her vigilante mask just yet.

This is a good, fun read. I love Brynna. She cares deeply for her people, she'd just prefer to work for their good from the shadows instead of from the throne. She has to grow up a fair bit, and sometimes I want to hug her and tell her it will be okay, and sometimes I just want to shake her. I think Felix, the captain of the guard, is my favorite. I think sometimes he wants to shake Brynna, too! Their interactions are wonderful. The story has fantasy, mystery, adventure, intrigue - a little bit of everything. I can't wait for the second book to come out!

November 16, 2018Report this review