The Classic of the Way and Virtue

The Classic of the Way and Virtue

-600 • 256 pages


Average rating4.4


I did not like it for several reasons. I have read many translations of the Tao Teh Ching, so I have a lot to compare the first half of this volume to. I know nothing of the original language, so I can make no assessment of the accuracy, but I can compare it to other translations. Based on that, I can say that I found this one to be clunky and unappealing. It was difficult and unpleasant to read. I have never read any translation of the Hua Hu Ching before, but I read this one concurrently with [b:Hua Hu Ching: The Unknown Teachings of Lao Tzu 147311 Hua Hu Ching The Unknown Teachings of Lao Tzu Lao Tzu 142169] so that is my only point of reference. I was unhappy with Ni for not providing some introduction giving us something about his translation philosophy and how he chose to deal with certain words. (He did provide a brief mention of his approach to male vs female references, and I am glad for that.) The trouble is that while I was reading, there were all these odd phrases that I reasonably guess are not direct translations from the Chinese, but philosophically chosen English equivalents. But since he never tells us what the Chinese original of these phrases is, I can not compare his translation of this text to other translations of other texts I am familiar with. I don't know if the Hua Hu Ching is talking about the same thing as other texts. Heck, I can't even always tell when the word “tao” is the original behind a particular English phrase or word, so I can't even compare it to the Tao Teh Ching as I know it from other translations. Also, I wish he had at least mentioned the confusing history of the text and the likely possibility that it was a fraud to begin with. Somehow, it felt like I was being conned. “Trust me, I know what I'm talking about!” I am sure that as a taoist reading this text just as taoist teaching is great–it does not matter if it is ancient or modern, Chinese or Mayan. If it is a reliable text for teaching taoist philosophy, then great! But for someone like me who wants to read it as an ancient text, with some connection to the Tao Teh Ching which I really like, then this volume is pretty much worthless. And why is this text so very different than [b:Hua Hu Ching: The Unknown Teachings of Lao Tzu 147311 Hua Hu Ching The Unknown Teachings of Lao Tzu Lao Tzu 142169]? This is long, wordy, dialog prose; the other is concise verse. Rather suspicious.For a cynical take on the Hua Hu Ching itself, read this short article: