The collector
2013 • 352 pages


Average rating4


I have some conflicting thoughts about this book, and as such the high rating might confuse but I have to rate this book based on my overall thoughts not based on one thing that irked me. This book is ridiculous but it is ridiculous in a great, entertaining way. Victoria Scott has written one of those rare YA novels where our sole POV is a male. These are extremely rare in single POV YA books and she did a great job in The Collector.

In terms of what my issue with this book was, it has to do with this theme of changing yourself to fit into society's notion of beauty. Charlie is depicted an an average if no below average beauty who proceeds to change the way she looks to be happier. To me this is very dangerous territory in today's society where people are constantly judged based on how they look. While this theme really bothered me and affected my enjoyment, I do think Victoria Scott took steps to show us that this was not how Dante felt.

I chose to believe that based on Dante's character growth in this book, he would still protect Charlie regardless of her appearance. I also think Victoria Scott hinted at Dante not agreeing with all the changes she was making.

So for me this book was a well done with only one major issue for me. I own the other two books in the trilogy so I will be finishing it eventually, it just is not currently on the top of my list of books to read.

July 13, 2015Report this review