Cover 4

The Collectors

The Collectors: an Anthology


Average rating3


I was super excited about this because it's full authors I'm familiar with, which almost never happens with anthologies for me. Just like any other anthology, there were stories that I LOVED, stories I felt good about, and stories that were just ok. I averaged my ratings for each story out to get the rating and I feel good about it. The overarching concept of “Collections” was really intriguing and it was cool so see how each author put their own spin on what it is to be a collector. I was pleasently surprised by some of these stories, because I rated them higher than any book I had read from those authors and it gave me hope that I would really enjoy something by one of them if I gave them another chance. My absolute favorite story was Play House by Anna-Marie McLemore, which isn't surprising because I've really enjoyed all of their books that I have read in the past. In the introduction, A.S. King says that she told the authors to “get weird” and I feel like Anna-Marie went the most weird. Overall though, all the stories were entertaining and all the authors did a great job of flushing out the characters in their short stories.

Thank you to Penguin Young Readers Group, Dutton Books for Young Readers, and NetGalley for providing me with an eBook copy to review.

February 21, 2024Report this review