The Colorado Kid

The Colorado Kid

2005 • 205 pages


Average rating3.3


I love Stephen King, but this wasn't my favorite of his books. The Colorado Kid, published in the Hard Case Crime series, is somewhat interesting albeit disappointing. The book consists of two old newspaper men telling a story about an unsolved mystery to a young female intern. The mystery is never solved. There was no real resolution, and they simply have to find satisfaction in the unknown. Compared to some of King's other tomes, this volume is rather short- so perhaps he may be forgiven, but I might have enjoyed knowing a bit more of how the Colorado Kid came to be in Maine, and what happened to him. O suppose what I did enjoy was how bold King was in denying me resolution and forcing me to feel what these characters felt. I also appreciated the setting and how King established the island. I guess I enjoyed reading it. 3 stars.

October 22, 2020Report this review