The Commonwealth Saga 2-Book Bundle

The Commonwealth Saga 2-Book Bundle

2014 • 1,616 pages


Average rating5


What strikes me most, after reading this huge novel, is how well the large number of story threads are weaved together. And there is such mind-boggling variety in the stories! This book... well, I shouldn't call it one book, for even though, all the threads are connected (in fantastic ways), each can stand alone. Heck, there's even a murder mystery thread in here whose prime purpose is to familiarize us, the readers, with one of the existing lead characters, and introduces another who we'd never imagine could play a large role in such a story.

I'd recommend this book to anyone who thinks of himself / herself as a Sci-Fi lover. However I'd also warn them that the sheer bulk of the story can be intimidating. I was more than a little confused during the first third of this epic, mainly due to barrage of new threads. But eventually, I figured out that I shouldn't be trying to find connections in such a huge book, and it got a lot more enjoyable after that.

This is one very long journey and, you should be warned, its destination is a cliffhanger of, literally, epic proportions. The journey, however, is certainly worth it.

April 5, 2011Report this review