Average rating4
This one sat in my Kindle quite a while before I finally got around to reading it. Not sure why it took me so long as I know that both Eric Flint and K.D. Wentworth* are skillful writers.Anyway, TCoE is dammed good science fiction – alien invasion with a twist. The story starts a bit slowly as the world is built and characters introduced, but it really gets going in the second half.The cover text gives a pretty good idea what to expect. There are some plot twists and something I really didn't expect near the end.The ebook is available for zip in the Baen Free Library.Solid four stars. I will move on to Jao #2 ([b:The Crucible of Empire 6670281 The Crucible of Empire (Jao, #2) Eric Flint https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1347977238l/6670281.SY75.jpg 6865223]).*Unfortunately, K.D. Wentworth has passed. She is missed.