The Cubs Way

The Cubs Way

2017 • 375 pages


Average rating4


The best book I've ever read on baseball.

We all needed a way to help us tell the story of the 2016 Chicago Cubs and the layers of nuance and the whisps of magic that lead to their World Series win. This is the perfect companion to generations of yet unborn fans that will hear of that season with tear-filled eyes twinkling with rememberance. Those of us lucky enough to have witnessed it will certainly indulge here and there but this book will be the definitive truth of what actually happened.

This is, aguably the greatest baseball story ever. The only things required were a solid narrative structure and a capable hand. Someone willing and able to unlock the depths of research necessary to give the greatest baseball tale the weight it deserved. Someone with the practice and care which only comes with years of honing one's craft. Add a healthy portion of respect for the story and a dash of youthful awe, and you've got the perfect writer for the job.

Verducci, and his team of editors and beta readers, handled this entire story in fine form. Flying colors. Flying the W, you might say, from start to finish.

Some will see his moments of fanhood that bleed through as a demerit. In fact, those moments added a charm and texture to the story which I found perfectly appropriate and well moderated.


May 11, 2019Report this review