Cover 2

The Cupid Reconciliation



Average rating4


★ ★ ★ ★ 1/2 (rounded up for the stars)
This originally appeared at The Irresponsible Reader as did a brief Q & A with the author.

This is my life, Leah thought . . . My amazing, confusing, totally screwed-up life.


Mallery beamed, which Leah was realizing was pretty close to the woman's resting face. Some women had resting bitch face, but Mallery glowed. It was impressive. A little annoying, but impressive.

. . . Leah walked up to a double-wide window facing the park. The leaves were changing, making for a sea of rich oranges and yellows beside a crystal-clear lake. The view was postcard-perfect. And as a cherry on top, there was a couple rowing a boat in the lake, one carrying a parasol. And Leah could even make out a picnic basket. The energy of the place was contagious. Western world was cheesy and scary. Science Fiction was cheesy and a bit confusing. Rom-Com world was cheesy and delightful.

Disclaimer: I received this book from the author as part of his promotion of the Season One Kickstarter.

May 17, 2016Report this review