The Dark Collector

The Dark Collector

2013 • 102 pages


Average rating5


This was a nice surprise.

In a few pages we get what it means to be an artist's muse and the nature of a profound and meaningful D/s relationship in a thoughtful yet concise way.

We get what it meant for Oliver to feel owned by Jeffrey: cared for and beautiful not demeaned; how he's okay with being put on display for art. I like how Jeffrey is not demonized post-mortem as some abuser or control freak but rather portrayed as a full participant in a loving D/s couple.

The crux of the story is Oliver finally overcoming grief and loss and learning to recognize and embrace himself as whole and worthy individual in spite of losing his partner. Good thing for him he meets “The Dark Collector” Henry who has admired him for years through Jeffrey's work and cares enough to try and give him what he needs to set him free from sorrow.

There is sex in the story. Intense at times and definitely sexy but it's really a story of hurt, comfort, art, second chances in life and lots more that is still spinning in my head. The whole time I was reading this I was thinking of Robert Mapplethorpe, particularly the recent documentary “Mapplethorpe: Look at the Pictures”.

The story ends in a perfect HFN but I'm very optimistic of a HEA not too far in the horizon.

About the audio: It isn't awful but ... it almost sounds like it was recorded on an iPhone in someone's closet or like an audition for a future professional recording. It lacks polish both in the quality of the recording and in the narrative voices used by [a:Toby Trail|14140058|Toby Trail|].

October 23, 2016Report this review