Average rating4.2
I chose to wait until I finished the entire series before writing a review.
And this is a series review, mor than a book review.
I took on the task in March of last year to get through the entire series, and I only took a break here and there with a few other books as a breather.
This is a strange one to review as I am a huge King fan, but found this series extremely uneven. I'd even venture to say that I think he was stoned when he wrote some of this.
That's not to say I didn't enjoy it. And I became VERY connected to the characters. I just thought some of the ideas were a little too cutesy (Blaine and the riddles for example - which took up WAAAY too much of an entire book).
Also, I love that King is able to essentially come up with new languages and weave them into the story, but I feel he tried to get too clever sometimes, losing the flow of the words and therefore losing my interest and focus in places.
I definitely found the earlier books much stronger than the later books. With Songs of Susannah being by far my least favourite.
What makes this hard is that through the entirety of this, I discovered some of King's best and also worst writing. So this leaves me conflicted.
I thought the ending was actually perfect. I honestly couldn't see anything different for it, and it brilliantly played into Roland's self indulgent need to find the tower at all costs.
But I find myself fondly looking back on the earlier books, more so than enjoying the more recent ones.
Who knows. Maybe that's nostalgia playing a part in it. Which in itself is a beautiful thing.