The Darkness Manifesto: On Light Pollution, Night Ecology, and the Ancient Rhythms that Sustain Life

The Darkness Manifesto

On Light Pollution, Night Ecology, and the Ancient Rhythms that Sustain Life

Jeff SextonSupporter

Dark Spring. I read this book and write this review as someone who longs to see that which I've never seen in nearly 40 years of existence on this Earth - the Milky Way as the Ancients did. Here, Eklof makes a case as to why the light pollution that is so prevalent in so many areas of the world needs to be treated just as seriously as any other form of human-made pollution. Indeed, at least in his claims, this is as strong a book against light pollution as Rachel Carson's Silent Spring was all those years ago.

HOWEVER, where Eklof fails a fair degree - and the reason for the star deduction here - is that while he makes a lot of strong claims, there is scant documentation of these claims - coming in at just 15% or so of the text here, when more fully documented books come in closer to 20% - 30%, and books that are particularly well documented can reach 50% or so of the overall text.

Still, as a sort of primer to these issues for those who may not be aware of them already, this is a strong book that will allow for further research after reading it. Very much recommended.

October 25, 2022Report this review