I received this book through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review
DNF @ 11%
I gave up on this book because it has no depth to it. Everything is going by super quick, yet not although there is no thoughts, no time to catch our breath and understand the characters. They seem to be given stock personalities and looks which we are supposed to go with. Also, who tells someone they are “brooding” or even talks to others like ‘oh, so and so is the sexy brooding loner–yum” like, no. Sorry, no that seems so weird to me.
The interactions were so....strange and so forced! She doesn't like him, yet is soooo against lying (EVEN THOUGH SHE LIED PREVIOUSLY) that she is going to go to the dance with him. Yeah, that makes sense.
rolls eyes
I'm also NOT OKAY with forced hugs. Plus, it was soooo awkward. This girl doesn't like debates, she like confrontations and pushing people out of their comfort zones. Hugging people–touching people, when they don't want to be isn't cute or quirky, it is a b*tch move.
I stopped reading after a mental illness was being introduced in a character and could already tell it wasn't going to go well.
This might be a book I recommend to a reader who wants more dialogue, more fast-paced reads, but not someone who reads often and I will probably forget about this so soon I won't get around to recommending it.