Average rating3
A 3.5 rounded up for how quickly I read it.
It is repetitive and could probably be skimmed without losing much; it was a light enjoyment. It was exciting due to its pace and the potentially scandalous secret; yet fluffy and frivolous, like a soap opera. The characters felt very slice of life authentic, with little use of suspension of disbelief.
Liv's ultra controlling father seemed a little far-fetched, maybe due to the extent of the blame it seems Liv's mom was using it, but it's worth it for the story line of their reconciliation.
I thought that the secondary characters were well done, likeable with the right level of depth. And the antagonist is unlikable in an easy, fun, and true way. True in that I related to, what I figure most people have at least one of, or someone similar, in their family or social circle.
I wish the book had had the name of the chapter, sometimes I forgot whose perspective it was, or would flip back to check the time of the book.
I was a little annoyed at the Adam's attitude of "but I would feel it if something had happened to her" as an excuse not to call the airline, but I also completely understand the cognitive dissonance, magical thinking, denial, etc. so it works as a plot tactic.