The Disaster Planning Handbook for Libraries

The Disaster Planning Handbook for Libraries

2021 • 184 pages


Average rating4


Actually..... not a bad book at all. It's very high level, so if you're looking for minutiae in how to protect your hyper specific use case of a library, you won't find that here, but if you're just looking for something to get you in the right ballpark with your mindset, this did its job well. My library is not a traditional public library so I wasn't able to map some of the advice perfectly to my experiences, but it did get me thinking a lot about the role my library plays in a disaster and the position we're in to assist afterwards.

I thought Chapter 2 was the most useful for me in terms of information and mindset, but I also appreciated the author touching on the aftercare of employees following a disaster in Chapter 3. There's a lot of really great information and links to further assistance all throughout this book, and it was helpful in giving me a jumping off point for planning our own disaster recovery plan.

March 21, 2024Report this review