The Doctor's Redemption
2017 • 150 pages


Average rating3


This cover is OK. The composition is WAY off and don't even get me started on the author's name being the largest text on there. Cue graphic design 101 lecture.

Sigh...It pains me to have to give this book a 3-star rating. I ADORED book one and two of this series and was SO looking forward to Gwen and her muffin man. Alas, this fell WAY short of my expectations.

First, this one felt a lot shorter than the others. Looking at the previous books they all seem to be around the same length, but like I said this one just felt underdeveloped to me. I felt NO connection between Gwen or Luke. Probably because so much of the book was them lost in their thoughts. Him constantly thinking about how he wants Gwen but can't have her. Shouldn't get involved with her. Doesn't deserve her...yadda, yadda, yadda. Her constantly thinking how she is frumpy. How she puts everyone else first. How she wants love. Obsessing over Luke. I cringed more than once at how she kept throwing herself at this guy. He straight up said he would never marry again and didn't want kids. I was puzzled why she even bothered to pursue him after that.

On top of that, we had a HUGE whopper of s secret that was dragged out WAY too long in my opinion and when it finally comes out it was a bit anti-climatic. Now there were also some sweets moments. I loved catching up with the couples from book one and two. I am curious about Luke's sister. I thought maybe there would be a Haley-Ben hookup, but I think maybe the author will go in another direction for her. I do hope we get to see Ben in his own book at some point. He intrigues me.

May 12, 2017Report this review