The Dove in the Belly

The Dove in the Belly

2022 • 336 pages


Average rating3


I don't know how to rate this. How do you begrudge someone their dream when it's their dream come true?

This was a little heartbreaking. I wanted more for them. For Ronny, specifically. But he really loved him some Ben. So there's nothing to be done for it.

In his own way, Ben made Ronny happy. Really happy. And in all fairness, he made a lot of strides from where he was at the start to where he ended up.

I remember when I started reading this, after their first interaction I thought to myself that there was no way Ben was the other MC. That he's the guy our MC is with before he meets his happily ever ever guy.

It's a bit bittersweet that Ben ended up being that guy.

February 8, 2024Report this review