The Dragon Keeper

The Dragon Keeper


Average rating3.8


This has got to be the weakest Hobb book I've read to date.

It was fine. Nothing much happened that I would expect from a Hobb book but I'm prepared to sit and wait for the emotional damage I know she'll give me.

I am enjoying that characters especially the dragons. She manages to make something so old come across so new.

But oh Hobb can write terrible men! First there was regal then Kyle who I thought could get no worse and now HEST. Please tell me he gets what's coming to him cause my god.

This book felt more of an introduction to the characters and the dragons. It teases the implications on what could happen because of the deformed dragons and hints at certain character arcs. A slow book but one I enjoyed. O feel book 2 and onwards is where a lot of the things I love about Hobb will come forth.


February 21, 2024Report this review