The Dragon Waiting

The Dragon Waiting

1983 • 329 pages


Average rating3.3


The Dragon Waiting is a book of “what ifs”....What if Byzantium never fell and the Eastern Empire ruled half the world? What if Julian the Apostate reinstated paganism and no religion took precedence over another? What if France was divided between England and the Empire? What if magic was real and wizards walked the Earth?

Historical fiction can be either very good or very bad. When you take known historical figures and settings and shift them to create a work of fantasy as skilfully as Ford as done here it's something of a miracle.

Essentially it's the Wars of the Roses, the princes in the tower, Richard III but with added magic and an Empire intent on ruling the world through political intrigue. It is quite magnificently done. Opening in Wales, we meet the young Hywel Peredur, who helps a magician escape and begins his life as a wizard. Next there's Demetrios Ducas, young son of a deposed Imperial dynasty who rejects his fate and becomes a mercenary. Next time we meet them they are grown men with years of experience. Our other two protagonists as Cynthia Ricci, physician at the court of Lorenzo de Medici and Gregory, a German mercenary who is also a Vampire (yes they exist here too). Together they must defeat the machinations of Byzantium and save the English Crown.

This a well written and constructed novel about an alternate history with some fantastical elements woven into the fabric of the story. The four main protagonists are fully realised characters, each with their own motivations and emotional baggage. Ford's prose is wonderful and this is a novel with great action, heart and mystery. For although Byzantium looms large in the background, we never set foot there.

If, as Neil Gaiman remarks, Ford had written another four novels in the same universe he would be George RR Martin. The Dragon Waiting is that good, and indeed the way it end leaves it open for a sequel (which sadly he never wrote).

One of the best fantasy novels I have ever read. Highly recommended.

January 30, 2022Report this review