The Echoed Realm
2021 • 444 pages


Average rating5


What would you do for a love and bond that transcends generations, distance and earthly planes? What happens when you learn that sometimes love and hate are two sides of the same coin?

It's been three years since Miya's world ended in Black Hollow. Now she and Kai follow nightmares to hunt the demons responsible for them and the tragedies that follow. Mason is trying to get back to work in the “real world” and forget all about Dreamwalkers and small town lore and just how real those stories can be.

Miya is struggling with how she fits into this new world and just how powerful she is. Or could be if she learned to trust herself as much as she trusted those around her. Her path to self discovery isn't a pretty one but it is certainly a sight to behold.

Kai is more than happy to traverse all over and back with his best friend and lover...but this time he's bound to her in more ways than one. Kai is not your regular textbook bad boy. He is so much more and he is certainly not for everyone and quite frankly...he doesn't give a fuck. He is raw emotion and pain in its harshest and most honest form. In the process he must learn he is more than just blood and fists.

Mason is still not minding his own business and finds out what happens when you go looking for answers to questions you should have never asked. Mason frustrated me in THG and continued to frustrate me here (It's okay. Some characters are meant to be.) He learns that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. And that sometimes the best way to rectify a past mistake is by walking away and leaving it alone.

The Echoed Realm is definitely more intense than The Hollow Gods. Gone is the slow, melodic pace. Here we have everything coming to a head in a wilder ride.
AJ has managed to do in this duology what some authors can't do across a massive series. She showed us brilliant, story telling, raw emotions, side characters who matter and add to the story and not just take up space and a perfectly timed backstory that melded past and present beautifully.
Come prepared to feel all of the feelings.

August 22, 2020Report this review