The Elephant and the Bad Baby

The Elephant and the Bad Baby


Average rating4.5



The Bad Baby goes for a ride with the Elephant. The Elephant uses his long trunk to take ice cream from the ice cream man and meat pies from the butcher and buns from the baker and gingersnaps from the snackshop man and chocolate cookies from the grocer and lollipops from the lady from the candy store and apples from the fruit and vegetable man. The ice cream man and the baker and the butcher and the snackshop man and the grocer and the lady from the candy store and the fruit and vegetable man all chase the Elephant.

Soon they met an ice cream man.
And the Elephant said to the Bad Baby, “Would you like an ice cream?”
And the Bad Baby said yes.
So the Elephant stretched out his trunk and took an ice cream for himself and an ice cream for the Bad Baby.
And they went rumpeta, rumpeta, rumpeta, all down the road, with the ice cream man running after.

April 1, 2010Report this review