Cover 8

The Emperors of Chocolate

The Emperors of Chocolate

Inside the Secret World of Hershey and Mars

1998 • 367 pages


Average rating4


I went searching for books about the history of chocolate when I used to work for a local chocolatier and stumbled upon this one. I had *no* earthly clue how rich the histories of Hershey and Mars are. Seriously. Theres the obvious successes but then there are also stories of failure, lots of drama, spying, secrecy, and so much more. It is fascinating how ubiquitous their products are and yet how much is kept under wraps within each business and the confection industry as a whole. This book was published in 1999, so it would be interesting to read an update about the past 20+ years. Not a book one might think to pick up but is definitely a rewarding and entertaining read!

June 6, 2023Report this review