The Epic of Gilgamesh

The Epic of Gilgamesh

-1800 • 120 pages


Average rating3.5


Recommended by the Harvard Class,”“Masterpieces of World Literature”. Read it in one sitting. Loved it!

Omg I love that the first recorded novel is a queer love story in the end huhuhu. Gilgamesh rejected the goddess of love Ishtar, who then kills his lover as a punishment. Then, Gilgamesh goes to search for the recipe to immortality to revive his lover. But it's not possible at the end. But at the moment, Gilgamesh is so fucked up. and Enkidu was just created to fight and stop Gilgamesh from rapping every bride in the city. Such a mess.

Read and reviewed: 2022-05-22

May 22, 2022Report this review