Cover 6

The Epistle of St. Pope Theonas of Alexandria

The Epistle of St. Pope Theonas of Alexandria

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St. Pope Theonas of Alexandria was leader of the Alexandrian church from 281 to 300 AD. This would put him between the persecutions of Decius and Valerian and that of Diocletian. He was responsible for seeing off the Sabellian heresy.

This is a slim book on practical Christian ethics. Essentially, Theonas is giving advice to those who would be officials in the court of Diocletian - so this is obviously in the period before Diocletian began his persecution of Christians. Theonas' advice is what you would expect concerning sobriety, honesty, and probity. A noteworthy feature is how Theonas emphasizes that bad behavior on the part of one Christian would bring other members of the Christian community into doubt and dishonor.

There really was no theology that I noticed. It is of interest only insofar as it shows the ethical standards that Christian believers were expected to adhere to.

July 12, 2018Report this review