Average rating3.9
“The F*ck It Diet is not only hilarious, it is scientifically and medically sound. A must read for any chronic dieter.” –Christiane Northrup, MD, New York Times bestselling author of Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom” From humorist and ex-diet junkie Caroline Dooner, an inspirational guide that will help you stop dieting, reboot your relationship with food, and regain your personal power DIETING DOESN’T WORK Not long term. In fact, our bodies are hardwired against it. But each time our diets fail, instead of considering that maybe our ridiculously low-carb diet is the problem, we wonder what’s wrong with us. Why can’t we stick to our simple plan of grapefruit and tuna fish??? Why are we so hungry? What is wrong with us??? We berate ourselves for being lazy and weak, double down on our belief that losing weight is the key to our everlasting happiness, and resolve to do better tomorrow. But it’s time we called a spade a spade: Constantly trying to eat the smallest amount possible is a miserable way to live, and it isn’t even working. So fuck eating like that. In The F*ck It Diet, Caroline Dooner tackles the inherent flaws of dieting and diet culture, and offers readers a counterintuitively simple path to healing their physical, emotional, and mental relationship with food. What’s the secret anti-diet? Eat. Whatever you want. Honor your appetite and listen to your hunger. Trust that your body knows what it is doing. Oh, and don’t forget to rest, breathe, and be kind to yourself while you’re at it. Once you get yourself out of survival mode, it will become easier and easier to eat what your body really needs—a healthier relationship with food ultimately leads to a healthier you. An ex-yo-yo dieter herself, Dooner knows how terrifying it can be to break free of the vicious cycle, but with her signature sharp humor and compassion, she shows readers that a sustainable, easy relationship with food is possible. Irreverent and empowering, The F*ck It Diet is call to arms for anyone who feels guilt or pain over food, weight, or their body. It’s time to give up the shame and start thriving. Welcome to the F*ck It Diet. Let’s Eat.
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3.75 stars/5. Alright guys I'm going to give it to you straight. For all those people who said “this book changed my life”: I emplore you to seek professional help in dealing with your traumas. Here is why: I have been working with a holistic healer/therapist and dealing with my underlying trauma for over 12 weeks now. I originally came to her to because I wanted to lose weight, and as of 2 weeks ago we are finally getting to a place where that is happening (addressing my relationship with food) because I had to wade through all of the bulls hit before then. When I say I “emplore you to seek professional hellp”, is it not because I think that you are delusion, actaully quite the opposite. I think that you are brilliant, and if this book speaks to you, you need to carry that out. I say get professional help becuase this is really hard to do on your own, and if it is hard to do on your own in the seemingly “easy” parts, think about how hard it will be during the “hard” parts. You need a soundboard. This for some people may not be paying a therapist bi-weekly to talk about your problems. It may manifest for you by this book being just the tip of the iceberg. As Dooner discusses: this is the start of the journey. Get more information, seek more knowledge. Listen to podcasts and join communities on social media. In sort: this is not your one stop shop to fix your problem. This isn't the only resource you need to unlearn the years of diet culture forced upon you by friends, family, the media, big corporations, doctors and big pharma. And this is what Dooner states in her book time and time again.
For those of you saying this is a hoax: read the above statement again. You need to do more research in this topic. If something doesn't work for your body truly (after putting your limiting beliefs aside) then dude, don't freaking do it. Use this as a resource, not a bible. Your body is your bible. Listen to it. It may take a bit after being suppressed for so many years, but your hunger cues will start to come back. This is going to take WEEKS people. This is NOT a diet. This is HOW YOU LIFE YOUR LIFE BECAUSE YOUR BODY NEEDS SUSTENANCE. The best part about your life is it is your life. You don't want to do this? Fine, but don't project you limiting belief into someone who wants to try it. You want to incorporate some things into your life but not others? Cooooool, do it and listen to your body every step of the way.
PSA: This is a journey. This is not a get skinny in 3 months diet. This is learning how your body talking to you and what it feels like to have presence, be present and make the most of it.
the author is a terf and anti-medicine
I loved the concept of this and found the general advice and exercises super helpful. Unfortunately, this was sooo repetitive that after a while I ended up just skimming. On the plus side, this is really helping me shift my thoughts around eating/food and my own body.