The Face

The Face

2003 • 19 pages


Average rating3


What's not to like? I won't get into the story itself, it can be read elsewhere, but come on!! The descriptions, the plotlines, the characters, the riddles, everything. This has to be The Masterpiece of Dean Koontz's career thus far. This is a perfect story, almost as perfect as they come, it even outdoes my faves such as ‘Whispers', ‘Intensity', ‘Sole Survivor' and ‘From the Corner of His Eye'. To those of you who didn't even get through half of the book: Give it another chance!! This is perfection.
What's not to understand? True, the lead character, Ethan Truman, gets killed off in chapter two and is back in chapter three, but if you guys'n'gals just hang in there, by the end it will make perfectly sense, and if you don't get touched and aren't filled with hope and joy when the last page is turned, then I dare say that your heart is made of stone. And yes, there is a large cast, but not as large as in, say, ‘Strangers' or ‘From the Corner of His Eye'.

This is a darn good novel; it has everything, love, horror, terror, hope, redemption...and in spite of the 600+ pages it is a fast read, immensely gripping, and not easily forgotten (but I'm also one of those guys who found that ‘Mulholland Drive' has lots of meaning, and who never have found a movie going by so quickly).
Highly, highly, highly recommended.

July 23, 2003Report this review