Cover 5

The Fight for Forever



Average rating3


3.5 stars

We have reached the end of the Legend trilogy.
Overall this was a good series. I like Legend and Scarlett as individuals. Scarlett is a lovely woman, who has a passion for the company she's built, raised by a woman who taught her well, and she grew to be a good person, in spite of having a father who's a piece of shit. Having grown up with everything she could have ever wanted at her disposal didn't make her spoiled or nasty. On the contrary, she saw the beauty in all things. Gabriel came from quite the opposite. And he literally fought his way to earn his own slice of something legit. He blamed himself for something that happened when he was young and he spent a long time trying to make amends for it.
As a couple, they were just okay for me. They didn't ignite in me any feelings of YES. I didn't hate them....they were okay. They certainly deserved their happy ending. And I'm glad they got it. Their relationship didn't really go through any conflicts within since neither character was really hotheaded. Their issues all came from outside sources.

This book was definitely more action packed then the first two as everything was drawing to a close. And it was a good read. I hate that I'm not 5 starring it across the board because Meghan March is one of my absolute favorite authors and she probably always will be..unless she starts kicking babies in the face or some crazy shit like that. So while I didn't LOVE it doesn't mean it's not worth the read...Just not one of the ones i'll reread to death.

Side note.... I'm keeping an eye out for Q and Flynn.

February 16, 2020Report this review