The Five People You Meet in Heaven
2003 • 208 pages


Average rating3.7


Rating: 3.5/5

Simple and straightforward prose doesn’t lessen the impact this book has as a contemplative read towards a man’s life in heaven, what he lived for, why he lived in the first place, and to an extent, our lives as well.

It’s a thought-provoking read with many life lessons discussed per chapter, ranging from interconnected lives between strangers, what we give and gain in sacrifice, and how we cherish the memories of those who we love before their passing. Felt lots of emotions throughout.

I do think some of the lessons feel a bit “in your face” and could’ve used more subtlety in its delivery and how I find some chapters a little lacking in the “lesson” department compared to others, but nevertheless, this is a read that will take you on a journey of acceptance, self-reflection, and self-discovery. Genuinely a book that heals, comforts, and warms the soul.

December 25, 2023Report this review