The Flash, Vol. 10: Force Quest


Average rating3

Jamie RevellSupporter

Barry and Iris head off around the world in search of the other three forces, and at least manage to find heroes using two of them. Both are different from Barry without being simple villains who simply want to fight him although, again, we're dealing with the fact that enhanced strength isn't exactly a new idea in superhero comics, and Psych's powers aren't particularly original, either. There is some good use of Iris here, and a sub-plot with Commander Cold that doesn't have space to go anywhere yet, but may well do so later. I could have given it more than three stars, since there's certainly some effort to explore the other forces here, but things don't particularly move forward, and it's too obviously the middle part of something larger. So 3.5 stars, rounded down.

December 24, 2019Report this review