Average rating3.5
Wow, I didn't really expect time travel to be a thing in this series! Okay here are my thoughts on this volume:
-I liked Jake's angst over being the leader but I wish he would do something about it instead of just whining. He needs to have a heart-to-heart with his fellow animorphs.
-This volume built up some good suspense with the “FLASH” gimmick and the time at the beginning of each chapter. I guess it's only natural there be some sort of time-rip plotline in a scifi series...
-That thing Cassie said about humans getting a sense of dejavu because of old memories from evolution was pretty interesting.
-Intro to Marco knowing a little bit of Spanish. Also, first time South America is mentioned.
-The description of the rain forest in Brazil as both horrific and beautiful was great. More scary ant scenes.
New Morphs (Not that they get to keep them):
New Info:
-Sario Rip
-You can't acquire a morph from a friend's morph