The Full Moon Coffee Shop
2020 • 272 pages


Average rating3.7


Thank you to Random House/Ballantine Books and Netgalley for the ARC!

Welcome to the Coffee Shop that appears. There are no set times, places, or menus from which to order.

The Full Moon Coffee Shop consists of three main stories surrounding various characters finding their way through life as they struggle with various problems, concerns, and troubles. As they find the coffee shop (or rather, it finds them), they are approached by talking cats to allow them the place and time to speak about their concerns, using the natal charts and planet phases.

The illustrations accompanying this story are cute. The characters are also part of each other's lives, and we can follow their journey. By the end, we see them all reflecting on themselves, and moving on was nice.

Perhaps the only thing I wished for was more cat illustrations- it's about the cafe run by cats!/j In addition, I would have appreciated deeper thoughts and reflection on each character as they seemed a little shallow, in my opinion. The natal charts and planet phases were interesting to learn more about, but they became repetitive. However, someone who is deeply interested and invested in astrology may enjoy this book much more than I did.

Overall, it is a lovely short book that casts moonlight on human thoughts, actions, and reflections and how we move forward to continue growing.

May 24, 2024Report this review