Average rating4.3
I did not expect to be this frustrated so early on but well!!! here we are!!! Sighvath's become nothing besides Elvar's personal cheerleader. Everyone acts like Elvar killing and mauling someone is fearsome and noteworthy when everyone present are warriors and gods and Elvar is KNOWN to be a warrior herself. Literally why is everyone gawking and gaping. Makes no sense. The way Varg, Røkia and Svik escape their kidnappers also makes no sense to me. Like, if Svik's head was being held down anyway, why the hell the ruse with the hair? And if it WASN'T being held down, WHY would the kidnapper hold onto his hair hard enough for Svik's plan to work? I can excuse the improbability of the axe slicing off both hands. I cannot forgive Gwynne's constant undermining of his villains. What, am I supposed to be scared? Am I supposed to delude myself into thinking the gods and the kidnappers and *anyone* opposing Gwynne's Chosen Three is anything besides pathetic and stupid? I'm!!! So!!! Done with this book!!! I refuse to DNF it, but Gwynne will need one hell of a Hail Mary for this to be anywhere near "good".