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The Girl in the Corn

The Girl in the Corn


Average rating4


Got this audiobook through NetGalley and I'm glad I was approved. Going on a horror kick at the moment. 
This is a horror that's got fantasy elements. Which is odd because I feel like it's usually the other way around? It also has super high, world ending stakes, so it's horror/epic fantasy. Epic horror? It features an inter-dimensional fairy world, but mostly takes place on a earth, so it's also urban fantasy? Either way, it was a really unique blend. 
Thomas and Bobby are alike. They are linked. Both of them have a future, maybe a darkness too. Both also have a connection to a fairy. Unfortunately, depending on who's connection is with which fairy, decides what trajectory they're on. Good vs evil with many blurred lines and especially dark evil. 
This book is one of a couple that I've read recently that has devolved into descriptors being about tightening scrotums and inappropriately hardening penises, and I'm not sure when horror became this, or if it always was, but it's been from different authors. I'm not a fan, but I agree it's horrifying. 
This was a dark and enjoyable novel. The only thing I'll say is because it was horror first and fantasy second, there is a big build up, but it doesn't get the typically fantasy finisher, so in that sense it was a little underwhelming. However, as it's a horror, I wasn't surprised or disappointed really. 
Lots of crazy kills and horrific descriptions. Personally a 4/5*. 

March 21, 2023Report this review