Average rating3.5
4.5 stars
As I do with all of King's books, I went into this one blind. I had no expectations going into this, but it ended up not being what I was expecting. Make that make sense lol. Anyways this book basically follows 1 character. A 9-year-old little girl who gets lost in the woods. We are following her journey and how she copes with everything.
I listened to the audiobook of this one which was narrated by the late Anne Heche and I think she did a phenomenal job bringing this story to life and portraying the panic and fear that this character felt. I have to say for a 9-year-old Trisha was very resourceful. If I was the one lost in the woods let's just say I wouldn't have fared quite so well.
The only reason I'm giving it 4.5 stars instead of 5 is because I could have done without all of the baseball. Don't get me wrong it fits in with the story but I'm not a sports fan so having to listen to a ball game that I didn't understand took me out of the story a little bit.
King is hit or miss for me, but I tend to enjoy his shorter books more than his longer books and that was definitely the case with this book. I enjoyed it so much. I was kind of expecting it to end differently but I much prefer the ending we got. This is an ending that King got perfect in my opinion. While King isn't a favorite author of mine, he is my most read author and he is one hell of a storyteller.