The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
2005 • 480 pages


Average rating4.1


Well, this book is one of my recent favorites!!
It all started when one day, last year, the hype of this series caught my attention as I saw it mentioned in some blog I was reading (I can??t remember which one now).
And I got somewhat interested after I knew it was a swedish author. I??ve been to Sweden a couple of years ago and I just loved their neat and quiet kind of cities, the peoples
objectiveness and straight forward attitude.

I??ve always loved mysterious and detective kind of stories, solving murders, etc, but at first, I was unsure whether I??d really enjoy the book because I didn??t know the author literary work at all.

Anyway, the book got me completely hooked, it was one of those ???don??t-sleep-until-you-finish??? ones, and I really enjoyed the story pace and the way it evolves. The heroine, Lisbeth Salander, is complex and even with her strange attitude (comparing to usual standards) you really start to love the way she sees the world and her reasons. The other characters are fascinating too!

One thing I enjoyed in the book was the way the characters relate to each other, the interesting dialogues and the way the author informs us of what is going on inside their minds. You can understand the reasons why a character takes a kind of action, even when this action can be considered very stupid or very unlikely. It seems like the author has complete control of them, and it convinces you (at least it convinced me). Another thing I noticed was that the descriptions of the places and people are objective, with no unnecessary information, too succint maybe, but I could perfectly imagine the scenes. I thought this was curious and couldn??t remember the last time I??ve had this sensation reading a book.

And finally, the plot in this first book got me amazed and I was really surprised at the end with the solving of the mystery. Well, I couldn??t help myself but buy the other 2 books of the trilogy and read them right away!

P.S.: I definitely prefer the original swedish title, can??t understand why they changed it in some translations.

March 8, 2011Report this review